ClubReady Api

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The following routes are available for this service:
POST/sales/contract/sold/new/userCreate a user and sell them a package Create a user and sell them a package. **New Operation** The PaymentMethods property is an array of objects describing how you want ClubReady to take payment while selling the PackageId/InstallmentPlanId. The deprecated fields (AcctToken, Last4, ExpMonth, ExpYear, AcctType, BnkRoute, and IsTemp) must be omitted or null. **Deprecated Operation** Provide the AcctToken, Last4, ExpMonth, ExpYear, AcctType, BnkRoute, and IsTemp used in the ClubReadyGateway API in order to create a Payment Profile to the user specified. PaymentMethods must be omitted or null.
System.IO.InvalidDataException: MetaData is potentially malicious. Expected scalar value, Received: 
An array of Payment Methods to be used for this purchase. Any entry with PreferredOnFile is assumed if omitted or null.  

Each object of the array may contain properties:

| Property | Description |
| --- | --- |
| PaymentMethodType | Usually "AcctToken" (Default or omitted/null) or "PreferredOnFile" |
| PaymentAmount | The amount to be attempted for this Payment Method. When omitted (or null), the Request's PaymentAmount will be attempted |
| AcctToken | The AcctToken to attempt payment (when using PaymentMethodType:AcctToken) |
| ProfileToken | When provided (with AcctToken), a Payment Profile will be created (this will prevent the requirement to call `/sales/paymentprofile/import` (when using PaymentMethodType:AcctToken) |
| DoNotUpdatePaymentTypePreference | When using ProfileToken, do not set the PaymentTypePreference (for more information, see `/sales/paymentprofile/import` (when using PaymentMethodType:AcctToken) |
| | |

* Scenario #1: Use a Gift Card with PreferredOnFile to cover the amount not approved by the Gift Card.  

    PaymentMethods: [
            "AcctToken":"eyJ...GiftCard AcctToken...",
            "ProfileToken":"eyJ...Gift Card ProfileToken..."

* Scenario #2: Use a Gift Card with PreferredOnFile to cover the amount not approved by the Gift Card.  

    PaymentMethods: [
            "AcctToken":"eyJ...GiftCard AcctToken...",
            "ProfileToken":"eyJ...Gift Card ProfileToken..."


* The example shows PaymentAmount of 1.00 for both "AcctToken" and "PreferredOnFile". This is for the example
with a total of $1.00. The firstPaymentMethod (the Gift Card) will be attempted for $1.00. If it partially approves
for less than 1.00 (example: $0.80), the second payment method (PreferredOnFile) will be attempted for the lesser of
it's PaymentAmount and the remaining amount (example: $0.20).

* Because this endpoint creates a new user, the "PreferredOnFile" option is not applicable. Also, ProfileToken with
the OwnerType "TempstUser" is required because the Payment Profile owner will be converted to the newly created user.

* When using Query String (or this web site), this value must be encoded with JSV [(JSON-like Separated Values)](
Basic steps to convert JSON to JSV: 1) Remove properties that are null, 2) Remove white space including line feeds, 3) Remove quotes.

   at ServiceStack.NativeTypes.VbNet.VbNetGeneratorExtensions.SafeValue(String value) in /home/runner/work/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/src/ServiceStack/NativeTypes/VbNet/VbNetGenerator.cs:line 791
   at ServiceStack.NativeTypes.VbNet.VbNetGeneratorExtensions.QuotedSafeValue(String value) in /home/runner/work/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/src/ServiceStack/NativeTypes/VbNet/VbNetGenerator.cs:line 796
   at ServiceStack.NativeTypes.VbNet.VbNetGenerator.TypeValue(String type, String value) in /home/runner/work/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/src/ServiceStack/NativeTypes/VbNet/VbNetGenerator.cs:line 589
   at ServiceStack.NativeTypes.VbNet.VbNetGenerator.AppendAttributes(StringBuilderWrapper sb, List`1 attributes) in /home/runner/work/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/src/ServiceStack/NativeTypes/VbNet/VbNetGenerator.cs:line 560
   at ServiceStack.NativeTypes.VbNet.VbNetGenerator.AddProperties(StringBuilderWrapper sb, MetadataType type, Boolean includeResponseStatus) in /home/runner/work/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/src/ServiceStack/NativeTypes/VbNet/VbNetGenerator.cs:line 483
   at ServiceStack.NativeTypes.VbNet.VbNetGenerator.AppendType(StringBuilderWrapper& sb, MetadataType type, String lastNS, List`1 allTypes, CreateTypeOptions options) in /home/runner/work/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/src/ServiceStack/NativeTypes/VbNet/VbNetGenerator.cs:line 402
   at ServiceStack.NativeTypes.VbNet.VbNetGenerator.GetCode(MetadataTypes metadata, IRequest request, INativeTypesMetadata nativeTypes) in /home/runner/work/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/src/ServiceStack/NativeTypes/VbNet/VbNetGenerator.cs:line 269
   at ServiceStack.NativeTypes.LangGeneratorExtensions.g__Generate|1_0(ILangGenerator gen, <>c__DisplayClass1_0& ) in /home/runner/work/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/src/ServiceStack/NativeTypes/ILangGenerator.cs:line 40
   at ServiceStack.NativeTypes.LangGeneratorExtensions.GenerateSourceCode(MetadataTypes metadataTypes, MetadataTypesConfig typesConfig, String lang, IRequest req, Action`1 configure) in /home/runner/work/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/src/ServiceStack/NativeTypes/ILangGenerator.cs:line 51
   at ServiceStack.NativeTypes.LangGeneratorExtensions.GenerateSourceCode(List`1 metadataTypes, String lang, IRequest req, Action`1 configure) in /home/runner/work/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/src/ServiceStack/NativeTypes/ILangGenerator.cs:line 26
   at ServiceStack.Metadata.BaseMetadataHandler.d__12.MoveNext() in /home/runner/work/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/src/ServiceStack/Metadata/BaseMetadataHandler.cs:line 203

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /sales/contract/sold/new/user HTTP/1.1 
Accept: text/jsv
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	ApiKey: String,
	ChainId: 0,
	StoreId: 0,
	PackageId: 0,
	InstallmentPlanId: 0,
	PaymentAmount: 0,
	StartDate: 0001-01-01,
	FirstName: String,
	LastName: String,
	Email: String,
	Gender: String,
	Address: String,
	City: String,
	State: String,
	Zip: String,
	Phone: String,
	WorkPhone: String,
	DateOfBirth: 0001-01-01,
	CellPhone: String,
	Note: String,
	ExternalId: String,
	PromoCode: String,
	Username: String,
	ReferralTypeId: 0,
	EmergencyContactName: String,
	EmergencyContactPhone: String,
	EmergencyContactType: String,
			AcctToken: String,
			ProfileToken: String,
			PaymentProfileId: String,
			PaymentAmount: 0,
			PaymentMethodType: Uninitialized,
			DoNotUpdatePaymentTypePreference: False
	RestrictedId: 0,
	RestrictedResourceType: Chain,
	AuthToken: String,
	AcctToken: String,
	Last4: String,
	ExpMonth: 0,
	ExpYear: 0,
	AcctType: Uninitialized,
	CardType: 0,
	BnkRoute: 0,
	IsTemp: False
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length
