ClubReady Api

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The following routes are available for this service:
POST/sales/contract/sold/new/userCreate a user and sell them a package Create a user and sell them a package. **New Operation** The PaymentMethods property is an array of objects describing how you want ClubReady to take payment while selling the PackageId/InstallmentPlanId. The deprecated fields (AcctToken, Last4, ExpMonth, ExpYear, AcctType, BnkRoute, and IsTemp) must be omitted or null. **Deprecated Operation** Provide the AcctToken, Last4, ExpMonth, ExpYear, AcctType, BnkRoute, and IsTemp used in the ClubReadyGateway API in order to create a Payment Profile to the user specified. PaymentMethods must be omitted or null.

export class ApiDtoBase
    public ApiKey: string;
    public StoreId?: number;
    public ChainId?: number;

    public constructor(init?: Partial<ApiDtoBase>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }

// @DataContract
export enum AcctType
    Uninitialized = 0,
    Visa = 1,
    MC = 2,
    Disc = 3,
    Amex = 4,
    Diners = 5,
    JCB = 6,
    enRoute = 7,
    PayPal = 8,
    BillMe = 9,
    PC = 11,
    PS = 12,
    BC = 13,
    BS = 14,
    Becs = 15,
    Bacs = 16,
    Maestro = 20,
    Solo = 21,
    VisaElectron = 22,
    CIBC = 23,
    RoyalBankCa = 24,
    TDCaTrust = 25,
    Scotia = 26,
    BMO = 27,
    HSBCCa = 28,
    UnionPay = 29,
    InterPayment = 30,
    Laser = 31,
    UnknownCredit = 40,
    TransArmor = 41,
    Factor4 = 42,
    XPass = 43,
    ConnectedAccount = 44,
    Error = -1,

export enum PaymentMethodType
    Uninitialized = 0,
    PaymentProfileId = 1,
    PreferredOnFile = 2,
    AcctToken = 3,
    Error = -1,

// @DataContract
export class PaymentMethodDto
    // @DataMember
    public AcctToken: string;

    // @DataMember
    public ProfileToken: string;

    // @DataMember
    public PaymentProfileId: string;

    // @DataMember
    public PaymentAmount?: number;

    // @DataMember
    public PaymentMethodType?: PaymentMethodType;

    // @DataMember
    public DoNotUpdatePaymentTypePreference?: boolean;

    public constructor(init?: Partial<PaymentMethodDto>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }

export class SellContractAndSetupClientDto extends ApiDtoBase
    public AcctToken: string;
    public Last4: string;
    public ExpMonth?: number;
    public ExpYear?: number;
    public AcctType?: AcctType;
    public BnkRoute?: number;
    public IsTemp: boolean;
    public PackageId: number;
    public InstallmentPlanId: number;
    public PaymentAmount: number;
    public StartDate?: string;
    public FirstName: string;
    public LastName: string;
    public Address: string;
    public City: string;
    public State: string;
    public Zip: string;
    public Email: string;
    public Gender: string;
    public Phone: string;
    public WorkPhone: string;
    public DateOfBirth?: string;
    public CellPhone: string;
    public Note: string;
    public ExternalId: string;
    public PromoCode: string;
    public Username: string;
    public ReferralTypeId?: number;
    public EmergencyContactName: string;
    public EmergencyContactPhone: string;
    public EmergencyContactType: string;
    public PaymentMethods: PaymentMethodDto[];

    public constructor(init?: Partial<SellContractAndSetupClientDto>) { super(init); (Object as any).assign(this, init); }

export enum RestrictedResourceType
    Store = 'Store',
    Chain = 'Chain',
    User = 'User',
    Undefined = 'Undefined',

// @ApiResponse(Description="", ResponseType="typeof(ClubReady.Web.Api.Sales.Model.SellContractAndSetupClientResponse)", StatusCode=200)
export class SellContractAndSetupClientRequest extends SellContractAndSetupClientDto implements IRestrictedApiRequest
    * Api Authentication Key
    // @ApiMember(Description="Api Authentication Key", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="query")
    public ApiKey: string;

    * Id for the chain of the Api Key
    // @ApiMember(Description="Id for the chain of the Api Key", ParameterType="query")
    public ChainId?: number;

    * Id of the store for the user
    // @ApiMember(Description="Id of the store for the user", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="query")
    public StoreId: number;

    * Package Id being sold
    // @ApiMember(Description="Package Id being sold", IsRequired=true)
    public PackageId: number;

    * Installment Plan Id being sold
    // @ApiMember(Description="Installment Plan Id being sold", IsRequired=true)
    public InstallmentPlanId: number;

    * Amount being paid
    // @ApiMember(Description="Amount being paid", IsRequired=true)
    public PaymentAmount: number;

    * Date contract takes affect
    // @ApiMember(Description="Date contract takes affect")
    public StartDate?: string;

    * First Name
    // @ApiMember(Description="First Name", IsRequired=true)
    public FirstName: string;

    * Last Name
    // @ApiMember(Description="Last Name", IsRequired=true)
    public LastName: string;

    * Email Address
    // @ApiMember(Description="Email Address", IsRequired=true)
    public Email: string;

    * Gender
    // @ApiMember(Description="Gender")
    public Gender: string;

    * Address
    // @ApiMember(Description="Address")
    public Address: string;

    * City
    // @ApiMember(Description="City")
    public City: string;

    * State
    // @ApiMember(Description="State")
    public State: string;

    * Zip Code
    // @ApiMember(Description="Zip Code")
    public Zip: string;

    * Home phone
    // @ApiMember(Description="Home phone")
    public Phone: string;

    * Work phone
    // @ApiMember(Description="Work phone")
    public WorkPhone: string;

    * Date of Birth
    // @ApiMember(Description="Date of Birth")
    public DateOfBirth?: string;

    * Cell phone
    // @ApiMember(Description="Cell phone")
    public CellPhone: string;

    * Add an internal note for the new prospect
    // @ApiMember(Description="Add an internal note for the new prospect")
    public Note: string;

    * Unique Id for the user from your system. We store internally as ExternalUserId
    // @ApiMember(Description="Unique Id for the user from your system. We store internally as ExternalUserId")
    public ExternalId: string;

    * Promo code to apply a discount.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Promo code to apply a discount.")
    public PromoCode: string;

    * Username should be between 4 and 255 characters long
    // @ApiMember(Description="Username should be between 4 and 255 characters long")
    public Username: string;

    * ReferralTypeId
    // @ApiMember(Description="ReferralTypeId")
    public ReferralTypeId?: number;

    * Emergency contact name
    // @ApiMember(Description="Emergency contact name")
    public EmergencyContactName: string;

    * Emergency contact phone number
    // @ApiMember(Description="Emergency contact phone number")
    public EmergencyContactPhone: string;

    * Emergency contact relationship
    // @ApiMember(Description="Emergency contact relationship")
    public EmergencyContactType: string;

    * An array of Payment Methods to be used for this purchase. Any entry with PreferredOnFile is assumed if omitted or null.  Each object of the array may contain properties:| Property | Description || --- | --- || PaymentMethodType | Usually "AcctToken" (Default or omitted/null) or "PreferredOnFile" || PaymentAmount | The amount to be attempted for this Payment Method. When omitted (or null), the Request's PaymentAmount will be attempted || AcctToken | The AcctToken to attempt payment (when using PaymentMethodType:AcctToken) || ProfileToken | When provided (with AcctToken), a Payment Profile will be created (this will prevent the requirement to call `/sales/paymentprofile/import` (when using PaymentMethodType:AcctToken) || DoNotUpdatePaymentTypePreference | When using ProfileToken, do not set the PaymentTypePreference (for more information, see `/sales/paymentprofile/import` (when using PaymentMethodType:AcctToken) || | |* Scenario #1: Use a Gift Card with PreferredOnFile to cover the amount not approved by the Gift Card.  JSON:```json{    PaymentMethods: [        {            "PaymentMethodType":"AcctToken",            "PaymentAmount":"1.00",            "AcctToken":"eyJ...GiftCard AcctToken...",            "ProfileToken":"eyJ...Gift Card ProfileToken..."        },        {            "PaymentMethodType":"PreferredOnFile",            "PaymentAmount":"1.00"        }    ]}```JSV:```[{PaymentMethodType:AcctToken,PaymentAmount:1.00,AcctToken:eyj...,ProfileToken:eyJ...},{PaymentMethodType:PreferredOnFile,PaymentAmount:1.00}]```* Scenario #2: Use a Gift Card with PreferredOnFile to cover the amount not approved by the Gift Card.  JSON:```json{    PaymentMethods: [        {            "PaymentMethodType":"AcctToken",            "PaymentAmount":"1.00",            "AcctToken":"eyJ...GiftCard AcctToken...",            "ProfileToken":"eyJ...Gift Card ProfileToken..."        },        {            "PaymentMethodType":"PreferredOnFile",            "PaymentAmount":"1.00"        }    ]}```JSV:```jsv[{PaymentMethodType:AcctToken,PaymentAmount:1.00,AcctToken:eyj...,ProfileToken:eyJ...},{PaymentMethodType:PreferredOnFile,PaymentAmount:1.00}]```Notes:  * The example shows PaymentAmount of 1.00 for both "AcctToken" and "PreferredOnFile". This is for the examplewith a total of $1.00. The firstPaymentMethod (the Gift Card) will be attempted for $1.00. If it partially approvesfor less than 1.00 (example: $0.80), the second payment method (PreferredOnFile) will be attempted for the lesser ofit's PaymentAmount and the remaining amount (example: $0.20).* Because this endpoint creates a new user, the "PreferredOnFile" option is not applicable. Also, ProfileToken withthe OwnerType "TempstUser" is required because the Payment Profile owner will be converted to the newly created user.* When using Query String (or this web site), this value must be encoded with JSV [(JSON-like Separated Values)]( steps to convert JSON to JSV: 1) Remove properties that are null, 2) Remove white space including line feeds, 3) Remove quotes.
    // @ApiMember(Description="\r\nAn array of Payment Methods to be used for this purchase. Any entry with PreferredOnFile is assumed if omitted or null.  \r\n\r\nEach object of the array may contain properties:\r\n\r\n| Property | Description |\r\n| --- | --- |\r\n| PaymentMethodType | Usually \"AcctToken\" (Default or omitted/null) or \"PreferredOnFile\" |\r\n| PaymentAmount | The amount to be attempted for this Payment Method. When omitted (or null), the Request's PaymentAmount will be attempted |\r\n| AcctToken | The AcctToken to attempt payment (when using PaymentMethodType:AcctToken) |\r\n| ProfileToken | When provided (with AcctToken), a Payment Profile will be created (this will prevent the requirement to call `/sales/paymentprofile/import` (when using PaymentMethodType:AcctToken) |\r\n| DoNotUpdatePaymentTypePreference | When using ProfileToken, do not set the PaymentTypePreference (for more information, see `/sales/paymentprofile/import` (when using PaymentMethodType:AcctToken) |\r\n| | |\r\n\r\n* Scenario #1: Use a Gift Card with PreferredOnFile to cover the amount not approved by the Gift Card.  \r\n\r\nJSON:\r\n```json\r\n{\r\n    PaymentMethods: [\r\n        {\r\n            \"PaymentMethodType\":\"AcctToken\",\r\n            \"PaymentAmount\":\"1.00\",\r\n            \"AcctToken\":\"eyJ...GiftCard AcctToken...\",\r\n            \"ProfileToken\":\"eyJ...Gift Card ProfileToken...\"\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            \"PaymentMethodType\":\"PreferredOnFile\",\r\n            \"PaymentAmount\":\"1.00\"\r\n        }\r\n    ]\r\n}\r\n```\r\nJSV:\r\n```\r\n[{PaymentMethodType:AcctToken,PaymentAmount:1.00,AcctToken:eyj...,ProfileToken:eyJ...},{PaymentMethodType:PreferredOnFile,PaymentAmount:1.00}]\r\n```\r\n\r\n* Scenario #2: Use a Gift Card with PreferredOnFile to cover the amount not approved by the Gift Card.  \r\n\r\nJSON:\r\n```json\r\n{\r\n    PaymentMethods: [\r\n        {\r\n            \"PaymentMethodType\":\"AcctToken\",\r\n            \"PaymentAmount\":\"1.00\",\r\n            \"AcctToken\":\"eyJ...GiftCard AcctToken...\",\r\n            \"ProfileToken\":\"eyJ...Gift Card ProfileToken...\"\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            \"PaymentMethodType\":\"PreferredOnFile\",\r\n            \"PaymentAmount\":\"1.00\"\r\n        }\r\n    ]\r\n}\r\n```\r\nJSV:\r\n```jsv\r\n[{PaymentMethodType:AcctToken,PaymentAmount:1.00,AcctToken:eyj...,ProfileToken:eyJ...},{PaymentMethodType:PreferredOnFile,PaymentAmount:1.00}]\r\n```\r\n\r\nNotes:  \r\n\r\n* The example shows PaymentAmount of 1.00 for both \"AcctToken\" and \"PreferredOnFile\". This is for the example\r\nwith a total of $1.00. The firstPaymentMethod (the Gift Card) will be attempted for $1.00. If it partially approves\r\nfor less than 1.00 (example: $0.80), the second payment method (PreferredOnFile) will be attempted for the lesser of\r\nit's PaymentAmount and the remaining amount (example: $0.20).\r\n\r\n* Because this endpoint creates a new user, the \"PreferredOnFile\" option is not applicable. Also, ProfileToken with\r\nthe OwnerType \"TempstUser\" is required because the Payment Profile owner will be converted to the newly created user.\r\n\r\n* When using Query String (or this web site), this value must be encoded with JSV [(JSON-like Separated Values)](\r\nBasic steps to convert JSON to JSV: 1) Remove properties that are null, 2) Remove white space including line feeds, 3) Remove quotes.\r\n")
    public PaymentMethods: PaymentMethodDto[];

    public RestrictedId?: number;
    public RestrictedResourceType: RestrictedResourceType;
    * **Deprecated** (Use `PaymentMethods` with `ProfileToken`)  AcctToken provided by creating a Payment Profile with the Vault Api. Required if Package requires purchase and PaymentMethods is empty.
    // @ApiMember(Description="\r\n**Deprecated** (Use `PaymentMethods` with `ProfileToken`)  \r\n\r\nAcctToken provided by creating a Payment Profile with the Vault Api. Required if Package requires purchase and PaymentMethods is empty.")
    public AcctToken: string;

    * **Deprecated** (Use `PaymentMethods` with `ProfileToken`)  Last 4 digits of the Payment Profile. Required with AcctToken.
    // @ApiMember(Description="\r\n**Deprecated** (Use `PaymentMethods` with `ProfileToken`)  \r\n\r\nLast 4 digits of the Payment Profile. Required with AcctToken.")
    public Last4: string;

    * **Deprecated** (Use `PaymentMethods` with `ProfileToken`)  2 digit expiration month. **Required with AcctToken for Credit Card.**
    // @ApiMember(Description="\r\n**Deprecated** (Use `PaymentMethods` with `ProfileToken`)  \r\n\r\n2 digit expiration month. **Required with AcctToken for Credit Card.**")
    public ExpMonth?: number;

    * **Deprecated** (Use `PaymentMethods` with `ProfileToken`)  2 digit expiration year. **Required with AcctToken for Credit Card.**
    // @ApiMember(Description="\r\n**Deprecated** (Use `PaymentMethods` with `ProfileToken`)  \r\n\r\n2 digit expiration year. **Required with AcctToken for Credit Card.**")
    public ExpYear?: number;

    * **Deprecated** (Use `PaymentMethods` with `ProfileToken`)  The Account Type the Payment Profile<details><summary>Common Values</summary><table>    <thead>        <tr><th>Text</th><th>Numerical</th><th>Account Type</th></tr>    </thead>    <tbody>        <tr><td>VISA</td><td>1</td><td>Visa</td></tr>        <tr><td>MC</td><td>2</td><td>MasterCard</td></tr>        <tr><td>Disc</td><td>3</td><td>Discover</td></tr>        <tr><td>Amex</td><td>4</td><td>American Express</td></tr>        <tr><td>PC</td><td>11</td><td>Personal Checking</td></tr>        <tr><td>PS</td><td>12</td><td>Personal Savings</td></tr>        <tr><td>BC</td><td>13</td><td>Business Checking</td></tr>    </tbody></table><p>You may use the Text or the Numerical value.</p></details>
    // @ApiMember(Description="\r\n**Deprecated** (Use `PaymentMethods` with `ProfileToken`)  \r\n\r\nThe Account Type the Payment Profile\r\n\r\n<details>\r\n<summary>Common Values</summary>\r\n<table>\r\n    <thead>\r\n        <tr><th>Text</th><th>Numerical</th><th>Account Type</th></tr>\r\n    </thead>\r\n    <tbody>\r\n        <tr><td>VISA</td><td>1</td><td>Visa</td></tr>\r\n        <tr><td>MC</td><td>2</td><td>MasterCard</td></tr>\r\n        <tr><td>Disc</td><td>3</td><td>Discover</td></tr>\r\n        <tr><td>Amex</td><td>4</td><td>American Express</td></tr>\r\n        <tr><td>PC</td><td>11</td><td>Personal Checking</td></tr>\r\n        <tr><td>PS</td><td>12</td><td>Personal Savings</td></tr>\r\n        <tr><td>BC</td><td>13</td><td>Business Checking</td></tr>\r\n    </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n<p>You may use the Text or the Numerical value.</p>\r\n</details>")
    public AcctType?: AcctType;

    * **Deprecated** (Use `PaymentMethods` with `ProfileToken`)  Bank Routing Number. **Required with AcctToken for Bank Accounts.**
    // @ApiMember(Description="\r\n**Deprecated** (Use `PaymentMethods` with `ProfileToken`)  \r\n\r\nBank Routing Number. **Required with AcctToken for Bank Accounts.**")
    public BnkRoute?: number;

    * **Deprecated** (Use `PaymentMethods` with `ProfileToken`)  Whether the Payment Profile is Temporary. (One time transactions and Gift Cards are IsTemp = True).
    // @ApiMember(Description="\r\n**Deprecated** (Use `PaymentMethods` with `ProfileToken`)  \r\n\r\nWhether the Payment Profile is Temporary. (One time transactions and Gift Cards are IsTemp = True).")
    public IsTemp: boolean;

    public constructor(init?: Partial<SellContractAndSetupClientRequest>) { super(init); (Object as any).assign(this, init); }

TypeScript SellContractAndSetupClientRequest DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .csv suffix or ?format=csv


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /sales/contract/sold/new/user HTTP/1.1 
Accept: text/csv
Content-Type: text/csv
Content-Length: length

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/csv
Content-Length: length
