Knowledge Base
Why Can't I Refund A Payment More Than 120 Days Old?

This article will explain why the option to refund back to a credit card is not showing. 

Merchant Providers do not allow refunds through a payment gateway that are over 120 days old. Refund back to the card must be completed by ClubReady Support or you still have three other refund options.

Cash - This option means you would refund the client back in cash.

Written Check - If you select this option you will need to write the client a check at the facility.

Client Credit Balance - This means the client would then have a credit on their account to be used for future purchases.

Currently the refund to credit balance is the most popular option.  Once you have refunded the invoice to a credit balance it could be used to purchase merchandise or could be used towards writing up a new agreement for this customer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a Client Credit Balance be used at another studio?
  • No, Client Credit Balances can only be used at the member's home studio.

Will a Written Check be taken out of my remit?
  • No, the Written Check option is just for reporting purposes and does not deduct from the remit.

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